To Till or not to Till?

To Till or not to Till?

To till, or not to till? That is the question. . . What is tilling? Tilling is the process of preparing and cultivating the soil in preparation for crops. Seems legit. But, this can be both good and bad. Let’s take a closer look. It’s ALIVE!  Soil is...
Sewing Seeds

Sewing Seeds

  Since I live in Texas, it is necessary to sew seeds a little bit sooner than you would do further North. The  last frost date for my area is March 15th and it’s usually pretty safe to plant outside any time after that. You can look up your frost date on...
Soil Testing

Soil Testing

  Sometime back in January, I sent my soil sample to Texas A&M testing laboratory.  I thought it would be smart to have my soil tested, just so I know where I stand. Well, the results are in! I decided to only have them perform the most basic test, which cost...
Organic Heirloom Seeds

Organic Heirloom Seeds

  The seeds have arrived in the mail this week. How exciting! Before I know it, it’s going to be time to get them started. I ordered all of the seeds from Seed Savers Exchange. My mom recommended them and I figured that it was a good place to start! I...
Garden Planning

Garden Planning

I was able spend sometime this last weekend planning the Garden! I am sure that we will not end up following this plan exactly since we won’t know how many of our seeds will germinate. But, I think having a solid idea is a good place to start! Texas A&M has...